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Mi Band 1 Firmware Information

This page contains remarks about the different Mi Band firmware versions tested with Gadgetbridge. If you are using Gadgetbridge with a firmware version that is not listed here - or find that the information provided here are not correct - please provide your impressions and remarks to the team!

The firmwares are sorted by device. The recommended version comes first, then other versions sorted from newer to older.

Further information can be found here:

For information on actually updating the firmware see the Mi Band 1 Firmware Update wiki page.

Mi Band 1S (Firmware 4.x)

Moved to Mi Band 1 Firmware Update.

Mi Band 1A (with white LEDs, no heartrate sensor)

Function Behavior
alarms work
notifications work
activity recognition works
connection works
battery life good
gadgetbridge fw installer no. 84870926


From upwards, notifications do not work well, or at all.

Function Behavior
alarms mostly works (randomly fails)
notifications mostly works (randomly fails)
activity recognition works
connection works
battery life good
sleep detection doesn't work (band recognises sleep but not wake-up)
activity goal check doesn't work
gadgetbridge fw installer no. ?

Function Behavior
alarms do not work
activity recognition ?
connection ?
battery life ?
gadgetbridge fw installer no. ?

Mi Band 1 (coloured LEDs)

Works with Gadgetbridge versions >= 0.23.2. For older versions sync fails, see: issue #915.

Function Behavior
activity recognition no remarks
connection Connecting and synchronizing seems to be slightly faster and more reliable than with previous firmware versions. However, for notifications the vibration feature does not work with Gadgetbridge versions prior to 0.6.2.
battery life no remarks
gadgetbridge fw installer no. 16779790

Function Behavior
activity recognition seems to be working well, the "band not worn" detection looks good
connection no remarks
battery life no remarks
gadgedbridge fw installer no. 16779787

Function Behavior
activity recognition no remarks
connection no remarks
battery life no remarks
gadgedbridge fw installer no. 16779782

Function Behavior
activity recognition no remarks
connection no remarks
battery life no remarks
gadgedbridge fw installer no. 16779779

Function Behavior
activity recognition seems to be working well, there are many false positives regarding the band not worn state: in some cases the band is recognized as not worn even if it is.
connection bluetooth range seems better compared to other version
battery life no remarks

Function Behavior
activity recognition the sleep detection seems a bit off: a low activity level after 21:00 is often reported as light sleep
connection the bluetooth connection seems to be problematic after some time
battery life no remarks

Function Behavior
activity recognition no remarks
connection the bluetooth connection seems to be problematic after some time
battery life no remarks

Function Behavior
activity recognition works well, but it doesn't seem to recognize any sleep outside of "night hours".
connection no remarks
battery life no remarks